Thursday, April 1, 2010

A tale of greif, heartache, and victory

About two months ago I noticed at my grandma's house that one of her plants was practically dead. Being a house plant person myself, I asked if I could try to save it. My grandma was happy to have me try because she had given up on the poor thing. I took it home watered it, fertilized it, and slightly pruned it. It died anyway.

I'd had this dead plant sitting on my window seal for a while now. So on a whim I pulled out the dead plant and threw it away. I felt kinda heartless when I did this, but it was brown, soggy, and dried on the bottom, so really dead.

Then I had this pot of dirt sitting there, lonely looking begging me to put something in it. One night about 12:15 a.m., I was going through one of my desk doors I found five packets of flower seeds. They said to use before 2005 and looked long dried up. I looked over at my very lonely pot and had decided to give them a try. I practically dumped five bags of seeds over the dirt and pushed them in. I was pretty sure nothing would happen, but I thought maybe one or two might still be good.

A few days later I noticed one little green sprout popping up. I was ecstatic! I was really surprised that one came up. Within a few days around 15 had grown. I think they are all the same flower, I threw the packets away so I don't even know what they could be. So now my very lonely pot of dirt has friends, and we'll see if they will actually bloom later.


Hannah said...

We could all learn a lesson here.

Jessica said...

That's great Megan. And I love this picture. As simple as it is, it is absolutely screaming SPRING! :)