Yesterday was the day. The 10th. I'm here blogging so I most likely didn't die, break my arms, am in a coma, or still suffocating in a tree well. I can't garantee it, but I think if I go next year I might not look at it quite so dismally.
We have to get ready to go much earlier than I like (I'm NOT a morning person). It takes almost an hour to get to the top of the mountain, but it was beautiful ride watching the sun rise over the snow laden mountains. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day, well it could have been about 15 degrees warmer, but beside being negative something, it was gorgeous. If you have ever been skiing on Whitefish Mountain/Big Mountain on a clear sunny day, you know exactly what I saw. When your riding up the ski lift, moving your fingers trying to keep them warm, you look behind you and you can practically see the whole Whitefish era. The lake looks like a glass mirror, and a faint mist dances over the town. It is an incredible sight.
But let me back up. When we first got there we went to get our stuff on and then headed outside for the class. There really wasn't nearly as many people as are normally in the class, and the whole mountain was practically bare (probably because it was FREEZING!). Anyhow, I was in a class with Luke, Christan, Mr. Vestal, and four other people, two of which were snowboarders because they didn't have enough to have a full class. I think it was one of the best classes I've ever been in. The instructor Mike was great. He kept us right at our level and gave us lots of good tips. We did go to the top of the mountain, but we never did anything that I felt uncomfortable doing. I actually really enjoyed skiing this year. Last year I felt like the class was just a little too advanced for me so it was stressful, but this year it was just right, except I missed skiing with you Hannah!
Like I said earlier, twice I think, it was so cold. I was well bundled up, but my fingers and feet kept going numb, and my nose was quite pink. I think they said that it was negative 5 at the top, and around three at the bottom. I believe it. After the class was over I skied two runs with Luke but then went inside. I wasn't really tired, but just didn't have the umph to go on.
On the way home I actually napped which was unusual for me to sleep in a car, I guess I was a little more tired than I had thought. I'm glad I went, and now have a happy feeling about skiing which I hope lasts. I don't think I will get to go again this year, maybe, but with classes and homework about to begin again, I doubt it. Sorry don't have any pictures, Kermit took some, but I never did.
1 comment:
That sounds so fun! Reminds me of all our adventures on the mountain. :-)
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