Monday, May 2, 2011

did you miss me?

Contrary to what you may believe, I haven't fallen off the face of the blog world. I've been so busy with classes and homework lately that I seriously haven't had a minute to spare. So, I'm here with my spare moments to play catch up.

A few weeks ago I went with my ASL class to Great Falls MT, to the school for the Deaf and Blind. We left Friday morning and took the 4 1/2 hour drive on a charter bus. In the group, there were 23 girls and 3 boys including my teacher Collette.
Oh, one neat thing was that our bus driver, John, was from New Zealand. He had some really interesting stories to tell, and was enjoyable to listen to on both the way up and down. When we were going through Glacier, it was scary at times because it was blizzarding, but John, got us there safely, and plus, I always enjoy a adventure. (My spot on the bus)

When we first arrived, a man from the school gave us a tour and then brought us to our dorm where we would be staying. The school is really neat with a separate school building for the Deaf and the Blind students, but with a shared dorm building for both.

That night we all stayed in the dorm and ordered pizza. Since it was with my ASL class, and there were three Deaf people in our group, we had to sign pretty much the whole time because it is rude to talk when you know someone who is Deaf is present. Most of us stayed up really late all talking/signing in the living room learning new signs. Just relaxing around the dorm, yet still learning so much, was probably some of my favorite times on the trip. (The reason Great Falls is called Great Falls)

Saturday morning, after a walk around the school (it was a nice day), the bus driver took us all over to the mall to hang out for a few hours. We had six hours to waste, but everyone was bored well before then. The reason we were at the school that weekend was because of a performance the kids, who went to the school, were giving that night. We ended up coming back to the dorm for an hour or so, and then going out for dinner before the performance at 7:00.

The performance was incredible. There were around 17 kids ranging in ages from about 8-16. The kids were all signing and dancing to music and they did everything from Ghost busters, Firework, Sweet Home Alabama, to Somewhere Over the Rainbow. It was amazing to see the fluidity of their movements and how well they kept in sync. This performance alone made the whole trip worth it. It was an experience I will never forget. I even bought a shirt afterwards!

That night we again stayed up really late signing and I think it was well after 1 when I finally got ready for bed and fell asleep with the sound of people laughing out side my room.

The next morning I had an interesting experience. When I woke up, I think I must have been sleeping wrong and my legs were asleep, because when I stood up out of bed, I collapsed to the floor. It was on the side against the wall, so not only did I fall but I crashed against the heater vent. The girl I was sharing my room with bolted awake and kept asking if I was ok. I said I was fine but when I stood up, I collapsed for a second time. The third time I finally did stand up, but not without a nasty bruise on my arm and a rug rash that still graces my knee and ankle.

By this third day I was in ASL mode. On the way back we signed, laughed, and talked for hours. I was actually sad when we arrived back at the college to go home. Poor Dad had to had to keep reminding me to talk instead of sign for the rest of the day.

Overall it was an incredible trip that, even though I was hesitant to go at first, I'm so glad I did. My vocabulary felt like it had exploded and I only wish I could have retained a fraction of what I learned. I'm really sad that my class is almost over (only one more class), and then, if I decide to continue with sign, I have to do it online. ASL has defiantly been my favorite class, both semesters, and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

Easter came and went, but was really fun while it lasted. We didn't do anything too big this year, but we did have the Underhills and my grandparents over for lunch and then later the Vestals, Ridge and Hannah, and Rachel came over. Because it was such a nice day, Hannah talked me into taking a short walk with them and it really was a much needed relief from all my homework. (Rachel, me, Hannah, and Ridge)

Last weekend I started my Practical Botany class. It is a three credit science class and is only 6 days long. Unfortunately the days are Friday-Sunday, so I have had, and still am, continuing to have classes everyday for 18 days straight.

The Botany class is actually really interesting and I like the teachers. Friday we had a short lecture and then on Saturday we took a bus to the Conrad Mansion, Cemetery, and lastly Wayfarers Park to look at the different plants. The only downfall that day was that it was really windy and cold. Even after coming home, taking a shower, sitting on the heater, and drinking some tea, I was still shivering. Sunday was much better overall. It was still chilly, but the sun was out, which always gives me a more positive outlook on life. We took a bus down to Eureka and after driving around some, took a short walk down to a lake. Personally, I learned quite a bit about some of the local plants that I didn't known before. We had lunch at the lake in the picture, and later I realized I even got a sunburn sitting there (first one of the year)! We went to a few other locations to look at the different lichens, and than we all took a walk around one spot called Ant Flats. If you couldn't figure out why, the place was covered in ant hills. This weekend we are going to the Buffalo Range and then I think possibly Lone Pine on Sunday. I hope it doesn't rain:( (Sophie Lake)


Nicole said...

I'm so excited to take ASL!!!!!! :D :D :D

Laurel Beth said...

Does anyone else find it weird that all you girls are wearing pants, and Ridge is wearing a "skirt"(kilt)?

Hannah said...

I missed you!! I'm glad you had a fun time, and I'm looking forward to seeing tomorrow! :-)

Hannah said...

seeing *you* oops.