My mom, while cleaning out her closet, found some old china that my grandpa brought back from WW2, from the various places he went.
This is my grandpa Howard in France he's the one on the left.
There is a whole tea set from Japan, including saki cups! Every piece is just so interesting, they are made of glass and have like unglazed dragons on them, even the tiniest little cups.
These are my favorite. There are two of each. The vase and candle holder, also from Japan. they are made of a metal of sort and have a gorgeous sketching on them embossed in gold.
The cherry blossoms are so cute on this um... dish of some sort? It says it was hand made in Imperial Nippon on the back so I think that means occupied Japan
This plate, my grandpa brought back from Germany. It says, Father lion grinned, "you young rogues!" said he. "come along".
I'm not sure why it's not written in German. It's kinda cute, kinda creepy, and just strange for a child's plate. I mean try to eat your food on a plate that has a lion about to eat baby elephants and kittens on it. Well, I think that's what about to take place.