Hi, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I thought I would start this post with my brother's zombie snowman. Isn't is great? The one unfortunate thing about this photo is that we have probably 100% more snow. Right now we have around a foot and a half of snow. Yuck! I am so not ready for winter. I still feel gypped about the cool July we had, and I never got my swim therapy in that keeps me sane throughout the winter. So I'm not sure how mentally stable I'll be these next few months, but I'll try to be thankful, we leads me to Thanksgiving.
Here is our mismatched, yet yummy looking table. We had a medium sized group this year. The Underhills went to Plains which was the first time they haven't had it with us since I think we moved up. We had my grandparents, James and Stacia, the Vestals, Hannah and Ridge, Kathi and Rachel, and Doris and John Mark.
Stacia made a delicious veggie tray:)
My mom did the Turkey, and even though I'm not really a big bird fan, It was really good.
Luke and Ridge played Chess. I never found out who won, but I have my suspicions.
My grandpa, James, and Stacia.
Christian relaxing after the meal and the little tyrant Shelby foraging in the background.
Hannah, Rachel, and I looked through some books that Hannah brought from the library. We had a great time laughing and striking stupid model posses after devouring Hannah's Anthropologie catalog she brought also. Ugg, talk about drooling over clothing. If only I was a great knitter, maybe I could replicate a sweater or two....
Even though we were missing a chunk of our family, I still think everyone had a blast, I know I did, it was Thanksgiving to be Thankful for.